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African Minerals and Geosciences Centre
Minerals For Development

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Meet Us

If you are looking at high tech minerals related laboratory, training and consultancy services, with clients comprising of governments, mining companies, small scale miners and related. AMGC has 5 unique laboratories. The Chemical and Environmental Lab analyzes various types of geological & environmental materials applying wet chemistry, XRF, XRD and mercury analytical techniques. The Mineral Processing and Small-Scale Mining Lab conducts mineral beneficiation services to provide basic data that is required for ore reserve estimation that would enable the economic viability of a mine. The Mineralogy, Petrology and Gemmology Lab deals with the testing and identification of rocks, minerals, clays and sediments and carries out gemstones and diamonds identification, grading, certification. The Industrial Minerals Application Lab service produces ceramic products & product design and ceramics prototype production while the Geo-information deals with Scanning digitisation and compilation of geo-information, Training in Geophysical/Geochemical data processing, GIS and Remote sensing, Dissemination of digital data Consultancy


P.O.Box 9573, Kunduchi Beach Area,
Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
Office Tel: +255222650347
Fax: (255 22) 2650319
Business Hours: 8AM–4PM Monday - Friday

Geosciences Updates

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Contact Us

African Minerals and Geosciences Centre (AMGC)
P.O.Box 9573, Kunduchi Beach Area, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
Office Tel: +255222650347 Fax: (255 22) 2650319
Business Hours: 8AM–4PM Monday - Friday.