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African Minerals and Geosciences Centre
Minerals For Development

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The 29th Colloquium of African Geology CAG29

The Colloquium of African Geology (CAG) is a major biennial meeting organized under the auspices of the Geological Society of Africa (GSAF), where earth scientists globally have the opportunities to present their research results on topics related to African geology and surrounding areas. The event will take place on 26 - 29 September, 2023 in Windhoek, Namibia. For further information please contact cag29@mme.gov.na, cag29.whk@gmail.com or+264 61 2848398

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African Minerals and Geosciences Centre (AMGC)
P.O.Box 9573, Kunduchi Beach Area, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
Office Tel: +255222650347 Fax: (255 22) 2650319
Business Hours: 8AM–4PM Monday - Friday.