Vision, Mission & Core Values

African Minerals and Geosciences Centre
Minerals For Development

News & Updates

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To be a pioneer and leader in the provision of mineral services in Africa
To promote socio-economic and environmentally responsible mineral development in Africa
To be a Centre of Excellence and Significance able to provide specialized services for the mineral industries and the overall development of the sector in region.

Core Values                 
  •     Supporting the mineral sector to benefit the African nation prosper
  •     Improving the capacity of African nations to enable developing their mineral resources
  •     Availing up-to-date technology to the African mineral resources sector
  •     Advocate increased partnership among African nations to lift up each other Support for the under-privileged sectors of the community in the mineral resources sector to improve their benefits from their activities.

Contact Us

African Minerals and Geosciences Centre (AMGC)
P.O.Box 9573, Kunduchi Beach Area, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
Office Tel: +255222650347 Fax: (255 22) 2650319
Business Hours: 8AM–4PM Monday - Friday.