Vision, Mission & Core Values

African Minerals and Geosciences Centre
Minerals For Development

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The Geo-information department’s main function is to promote the standardisation of all geo-science information available in the continent and its conversion into an accessible format for dissemination, with the view to improving accessibility to geoscience data to the public and the private sector.

The department's activities can be categorised in to three major areas:
  • Library and Documentation:
    for archiving earth science information of the region in the AMGC library for access to the public in both analogue and digital format;
  • Geo-science and Data Management:
    for digitisation of available information and archiving it in a standard format; and
  • Geo-science Data Processing and Mapping: for the provision of training and consultancy services on the utilisation of advanced GIS and data processing techniques

Dev Minerals Training
ACP-EU Development Minerals Programme have started holding a series of Regional Training Workshops on Geo-data Digitization and Mapping of Development Minerals for countries from West, Central, East and Southern Africa between October 2017 and July 2018 in Geoinformation Department at AMGC.


The services provided by the Geo-information department include:
  • Scanning, Digitising and plotting of maps:
    Scanning and reproducing of maps using high resolution full colour CONTEX A0 scanner and HP750C A0 plotter. Scanned images can also be supplied on CD-ROM and geo-referencing and/or vectorisation of the images can also be done. The out put digital files can be provided in formats compatible to major GIS packages. The department has the capability to further process the data for the integration the result with other data set (GIS compilations).
  • GIS applications:
    Data analysis using state of the art software packages such as MapInfo, ArcView, Geosoft and ER-Mapper.
  • Customised training courses:
    Training on geophysics, geochemistry, environmental geology and geo-science data handling are available and these courses can be designed according to need of the client.
  • Meta-databases:
    Regional databases, such as the "GIS based inventory of regional geochemical and geophysical exploration surveys in Eastern and Southern Africa" are kept up-to-date and made available to the public.
  • "One-stop-shop" for mineral data:
    Some member States of SEAMIC have mandated the department to sell their digital data on their behalf.
  • Forum for interaction among geo-scientists:
    Regular workshops, seminars and conferences are organised on the most relevant geo-scientific topics with the view to promote research and collaboration among the geo-scientists in the region.
  • Library function:
    The library of AMGC is open to the public for reference on documents in mineral exploration in Southern and Eastern Africa. The following additional services are also available:
  • Airborne radiometric data calibration:
    Gamma-ray spectrometry calibration using international standard calibration pads for ground and airborne Gamma-ray Spectrometry survey data.
  • Geophysical surveying:
    The department has expertise in geophysical surveying for groundwater and mineral exploration using electrical methods. The department has a 3 KW IPResistivity Unit consisting of a SCINTREX made TSQ-3 Transmitter with an IPR-10A Time domain Receiver, which is also available for rent.
  • Customised MapInfo applications for digitising maps.
  • DIGGA:
    For digitising contour maps at flight line or survey line intercepts with output directly to a line-based *.xyz file (GEOSOFT format). Digitising may be done optionally via a digitising table or on-screen from scanned image.
  • SAMPO:
    For digitising geochemical sample data from analogue maps Output directly to a multi-element *.xyz file (GEOSOFT format).
    For digitising profile maps with conversion to *.xyz file (GEOSOFT format)
    • GIS and remote sensing applications in mineral exploration
    • Geophysical/Geochemical data processing and interpretation
    • Visualisation and web mapping
    • Geodatabase development
    • Geostatistics applications

Contact Us

African Minerals and Geosciences Centre (AMGC)
P.O.Box 9573, Kunduchi Beach Area, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
Office Tel: +255222650347 Fax: (255 22) 2650319
Business Hours: 8AM–4PM Monday - Friday.